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Get your Knaek-ID!

Picture this: You always step into the train with a €1,50 cup of coffee. Every time you order a burger, you get a second one for free (even order a free main course in the restaurant). What about placing orders at Nike, Amac, and many other cool webshops with extra discount. It’s all possible, but only when you use Knaek! Knaek saves you money and that’s exactly what you want as a student.


Knaek is THE student discount app. In The Netherlands and Belgium you receive the highest and most exclusive student discounts with Knaek. Download the Knaek app and get access to more than 1.000 student discounts with your Knaek-ID. 

You can get your own Knaek-ID at the board room, Bastille 326, or ask one of the board members. With our Knaek-ID's you won't have to start a membership at Knaek, so no reason to pass up on this great offer!


A.S. Exstudiantes

For people who graduated and are done studying, but are still looking to play futsal, there is Exstudiantes. Exstudiantes focuses on alumni and as of now has four futsal clubs in the cities of Groningen, Zwolle, Amsterdam and Utrecht. Many of our members know each other from their student days, but it is not mandatory to be an ex-student. As long as you would like to play futsal on your level together with people your age and enjoy drinks after the game with your teammates, you are welcome to join. Exstudiantes is by far the best way to keep playing futsal and still enjoy the fun and activities you had during your time at Drienerlo.


Below is an actual status of each of our futsal clubs:

Exstudiantes Groningen:

Multiple places available on current teams on each level.

• Website:

• E-mail:


Exstudiantes Utrecht:

Multiple places available on current teams on each level.

• Website:

• E-mail:


Exstudiantes Amsterdam:

Some places available on current teams. Also the possibility to start a new team.

• Website:

• E-mail:


Exstudiantes Zwolle:

Current teams are filled. Still interested? Please visit our website or contact us to see what’s possible.

• Website:

• E-mail:


Are you planning to live and work in a different city like Rotterdam, Maastricht or Nijmegen? Contact us on to see if it’s possible to start a new Exstudiantes futsal club in your city. We are always looking to expand to new cities and are looking for opportunities and interested people to join in.


Also, you can watch our promo video here:

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Board year 2021/2022

The end of the college year 2020/2021 is approaching quickly and this means that we are looking for a new board for next year (2021/2022)! Have you always wanted to be in charge of our beautiful association, do you want to make sure that every team can play their matches or do you want to be responsible for the organization of awesome tournaments and other fun activities for members of V.V. Drienerlo? Then maybe a board year at V.V. Drienerlo might be exactly what you are looking for.


While doing a board year, you take on a specific function and you are responsible for a few committees. Together with the other board members and the activite committee members you keep the association going. Moreover, doing a board year comes with a lot of fun activities with your fellow (board) members. In addition, doing a board year can really help you with your personal development. 


So if you are interested in doing a board year, or if you just want to get some more information about doing a board year, please contact us! We are happy to answer any questions you have about doing a board year at V.V. Drienerlo! Besides, upcoming friday a board interest lunch will take place at Witbreuksweg 385 from 12:45-13:45, so feel free to join! If you want to join the lunch, please let us know via this google form:


Knudde #4: How do I play football?

Hello Knudde, 


After the press conference of last Tuesday, our beloved Mark Rutte gave us the best news possible: we are allowed to play soccer again! For me, and I think also for my fellow members, it has been a while since I last touched a soccer ball. I think the last time was in October! My question is, how do we even play soccer and do you have some tips for us?




Knudde back in town

Hey Drienerlo members!


It’s been a while since you last heard from me, my apologies. Polar bears can get corona as well apparently. When I had just recovered in September after a few months on life support, the KNVB decided to shut down the competition. This resulted in me losing my job as the mascot of the most beautiful club of the Netherlands. I tried to apply for a job at Ajax, but when I heard Promes wasn’t a fan of polar bears, I cancelled to avoid any stabs. 

Because the winters in the Netherlands are usually not that cold, I decided to go on holiday to Sweden to stay in my natural habitat. While I was enjoying some Swedish meatballs, I got the message that Enschede would finally get some snow and serieus cold weather this weekend. This was a sign for me to go home and return to beautiful Twente. 

So from now on I will be available to answer all of your questions again. These can be sent to


Hopefully I can support you on the pitch again soon!


With warm bear hugs,




Candidate board announcement

The candidate board for 20/21! They are still parked on the side for know, but are almost ready to lead Drienerlo to a great sportive year.

From left to right: 

Jeroen van den Heuvel

Noor Felix

Lisan Graumans

Dion Siekmans

Iris Kormelink

Silvie van den Bogaard

Jenny Hapke

Sharon Strik


Introduction trainings

Mens Field

- Monday 31st of August from 18:30 - 20:00

- Wednesday 2nd of September from 18:30 - 20:00

- Monday 7th of September from 19:00 - 20:30

- Wednesday 9th of September from 18:30 - 20:00


Ladies Field

- Tuesday 1st of September from 19:00 - 20:30

- Thursday 3rd of September from 19:00 - 20:30

- Tuesday 8th of September from 18:00 - 19:30

- Thursday 10th sof September from 19:00 - 20:30


Mens Futsal

- Monday 31st of August from 18:45 - 20:15 (SC1)

- Wednesday 2nd of September from 19:30 - 21:00 (SC2)

- Monday 7th of September from 18:45 - 20:15 (SC1)

- Wednesday 9th of September from 19:30 - 21:00 (SC2)


NAfter the intro trainings you can ask the trainers about everything there is to know about the association and get to know v.v.Drienerlo a bit better.

The location for men's and women's field is our main artificial pitch, in front of the sports centre on the campus of the UT. Inside the sportscentre, you will find the halls where futsal is playedDepending on the day you will have to be in either SC 1 or 2 (see the dates and times).  

If you have any more questions or if you would like to join a training outside of the introduction trainings you can send an email to:


WANTED: Student trainers and club referees

 The season has unfortunately already ended due to circumstances, however, we are already looking for student trainers for the next season

Are you the next Klopp or Mourinho? Do you want to coach your team to the top of the championship? Then being a student trainer might be something for you!

What do you bring to the table?

  • You provide 2 practices per week, and there is also the option to coach the team during matches. The practices are scheduled usually from Monday to Thursday, at times from 18:30-20:00 and 20:00-21:30. Depending on your wishes, a suitable team can be chosen for you.
  • You prepare the practices to improve the team and players.
  • You are a football player yourself, and know how to present your knowledge to the team and players.

What does Drienerlo offer?

  • Financial compensation.
  • Well-rounded transfer of knowledge from your colleague trainers and other members, so even if you are inexperienced, you can get help from other experienced coaches.
  • A fun time!

We are also looking for club referees. If you want to gain experience as a referee, being a club referee is the perfect starting point. 

Are you interested, or know someone who is, send us a message! Also, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to send a mail to


Knudde #3: When's the next Drienerlo vlog published?

Dear Knudde, 

As a topfan of Drienerlo, I follow the club closely. You could say that I have a heart for the club. This passion started to grow when I saw the first video of ‘Wat weet jij?’ on the Drienerlo Youtube channel on the 10th of December 2017. After watching this video I become curious about the club. So I joined the club and I prefer to dream about the club every night. Only the number of episodes of ‘Wat weet jij?’ is still 1!! My question to you Knudde is, when will the rest of the episodes come online?! Will there be any episodes or other videos coming soon? I hope that more people get to know about Drienerlo and also get a passion for this club. Just like how it started with me. 


Love, fanboy123


Knudde #2: From which moment was Knudde called Knudde?

Dear Knudde,


I read your last column and I just wanted to say that it helped me a lot! Thanks to your tips, I might be able to join the first team of Drienerlo next season. I am the fittest guy on the field, but it also brought up a question in me. I did some research and I couldn’t find anything on the website about your name or how you got it. So my question is, Knudde, where did you get your beautiful name?


Kind regards,




Meet the board: Lisan

In the third edition of Meet the board we talk to Lisan, our match secretary and vice chairman. The past few weeks, she (together with the board and TC) has been very busy arranging the resumption of our football practices! Luckily, we were able to interview her right before, when she had still plenty of time to answer all our questions.


Meet the board: Noor

In this new section, you get the chance to get to know the current board of v.v. Drienerlo (even) better.  In advance, the board members answered questions about each other. Let’s find out who are the board members and what they say about each other! This time, we talk to Drienerlo's Secretary: Noor Felix.


Meet the board: Dion

In this new section, you get the chance to get to know the current board of v.v. Drienerlo (even) better.  In advance, the board members answered questions about each other. Let’s find out who are the board members and what they say about each other! We kick off with Drienerlo’s treasurer: Dion Siekmans.  


Lustrum Night Tournament

Together, v.v. Harambee, T.C. Ludica and v.v. Drienerlo will continue their Lustrum celebrations by organising a sports tournament by night on Februari 1st!

During the night you'll play all of our beloved sports in teams of five. Also, one of the sports halls will be transformed to a black light hall, where we will play the famous tampon hockey.

During the tournament, the canteen will be opened to get a performance enhancing drink. The sports will be played from 22:00 till 02:00.
After the tournament, we will continue the evening at the Vestingbar, for a few more beers and finalize with an early breakfast.

The costs of the tournament are €40 per team. Klik here to sign up.



The manifest: Sportmanships on the field

On wednesday September the 11th four of our board members went to the Grolsch Veste to meet the different associations in Enschede and surroundings. This meeting was organized to assure more respect on the soccer fields. Because last season there where a lot of violent incidents during matches in Enschede. Because of this, some associations made a Manifest together. The associations who helped to make this so called Manifest are the FEV (Federation of Enschedese Football associations) de bond for the refferees and the KNVB (dutch football association). 

We as Drienerlo support the Manifest, just like 21 of the 24 other clubs from Enschede. This document consists of two main points: 'The clubs who signed the manifest promise to do something about the swearing and aggressive behaviour on and around the fields. The board promisses to speak to their members about this if they ever come across such situation. We also want to improve the education of referees at the clubs, because these referees are mostly the victims', says Gijs Rekers from the FEV.

The manifest is already showing some positive signs. Clubs from Enschede want to play against each other again and clubs outside of Enschede want to visit our beautiful city again. This will only put the amateur football of our city into a better light.

In the picture below are all the clubs who have signed the Manifest. Every club brought two board members, a referee and a player of their club. We all made a picture together to show the first signs of sportmanship.




First Drienerlo day of the season!

 This year, we celebrate the 55th anniversary of our association, in other words: v.v. Drienerlo is becoming a greybeard! However, there's always a bigger fish and that is why the ladies have arranged a very special guest for the first Drienerlo Day of this season on the 30th of November...


But first, the day will be kicked off by the first ladies team, who will play a home match at 10 am against Achilles '12. At the same time, traditional Dutch 'Koek & Zopie' (selling pea soup, hot chocolate and hotdogs) will start to keep the spectators warm. We will definitely need this, because it is going to be an interesting day on the pitch: our own 4th and 5th team will be playing each other at 12, and at 3 pm the first men's team will close off with their match against EFC PW.


After the sportive part of the day, we will move to the canteen where Domino's pizza will be ordered and the special guest will arrive... Yes indeed, it is Sinterklaas! (The Dutch version of Santa Claus, traditionally celebrated on the 5th of December.) You don't want to miss this, because Sinterklaas brings his big red book from which he will read all the biggest achievements, missteps, bad behaviour and gossips of the past year. Are you willing to help Sinterklaas? Let him know who really 'deserves' to sit on his lap and why, in an email to 

As is tradition with Sinterklaas celebrations, we will exchange presents during this evening! Each participating team will (in secret) be assigned another team for which you have to arrange a present. A rhyme and/or 'surprise' are not mandatory, but of course offer the perfect opportunity to make fun of the other team. Of course, one can enjoy beer and kruidnoten during this evening. Sign up your team via or at one of the ladies!



The New Board!

from the left to the right: Jeroen van den Heuvel (commissioner of internal affairs), Dion Siekmans (treasurer), Sharon Strik (chairman), Noor Felix (secretary), Lisan Graumans (vice-chairman/ match seretary)

Yesterday it was finally there: The General Assembley. After some minor issues we had to postpone the GA, but after all this the 74th board could be discharged, and the 75th board could be charged. After all the hours of talking and endless discussions we celebrated this occassion in the heart of Enschede: 't Gat. Over there we could party with loats of beer, good music and of course the fun people of v.v. Drienerlo. The next day the board members had a nice hangover, the new chairman is also beginning to get sick. She is still coughing her lungs out. 

It was a fine evening and we as a new board can't wait to start our year!


FIFA tournament eDivisie & Utwente

The eDivisie and the University of Twente (UT) will start on Wednesday 30 October with a unique innovation process to improve the performance of eSporters. eSporters from Feyenoord and Heracles Almelo will participate in the first pilot. On 11 November they will start to compete against the other premier league clubs in the national EA SPORTS FIFA 20 eDivision competition. In a special eSports lab on the campus of the UT they are working on improving the response time, insight, stress level and spatial insight of the eSporters. With this, the UT is pioneering the combination of eSports and science.

We want to welcome the players of Feyenoord and Heracles in the eSportslab (in the design lab). Besides, we would like to invite the FIFA players among you to participate in a mini tournament at the same time (with of course a small prize for the winner). You can sign up or obtain more information via Guido Bruinsma ( until 29 October. The tournament will take place on October 30 from 2:00 PM (until about 5:00 PM). The location will be announced later. Ps. It is byoc.


Referee class!

Everyone needs to learn, and everyone has to referee. We as vvDrienerlo offer our members a free class to learn what to do when you are the referee.
It will take place in the Bastille (exact room will follow soon) and it starts at 20:00.

Sign-up with the following link:

PS when you are not a member but like to referee, contact our Technical Committee and you might be able to join as well!!


Join MOVE!

Are you ready for an experience that will change your perspective on Enschede Do you want to improve your project management and coaching skills, expand your network and work on your resume? Then you should sign up to participate in a Move-project!

During a Move-project you will organize a social project with primary school children from an underprivileged neighbourhood in Enschede Together you will brainstorm and organize something positive for the neighbourhood in which the children live. This could for example be a dinner show for the elderly or graffiti artwork. In addition, you will give the children a look into student life. For example, by visiting the university or a student house.

If you join Move, you will learn how you can motivate and activate people around you and gain experience in project management and leadership. During this process an experienced project coordinator from Move coaches you.
We are looking for 4 or more students from V.V. Drienerlo who want to participate in a Move-project from octobre/november till about march. You should be available for 2 to 4 hours per week for 4 to 6 months.

Do you want to know more or do you want to apply? Send an e-mail to The deadline to apply is the 21st of october


Trainer wanted!

This football season has already come to and end, but we are already busy with the preparations of the next season. We are looking for a trainer for our 2nd Men field team.

Our second team will have practices on Tuesday from 20:30 till 22:00 and on Thursdays from 20:00 to 21:30. If this doesn’t suit you we can look if it’s possible to train on other days.
As the trainer of the 2nd team you will host a training 2 times a week and coach the team on Saturdays.
We offer a financial compensation, which we will discuss with you if you are interested in becoming a trainer.

If you are interested, or know someone who is, send us a message or an email to



We are only a few hours away from the beginning of another amazing Tournament! 
After a healthy hungover breakfast at the sportscanteen, the goldsmiths will Kick-off against C.U.N.T and FC Strangers against Los Tercios!
Who will bring it home?


Tournament schedules and live scores can be found


Zaal 1: champions?!

There is one team that plays a very good season this year: Zaal 1. They will win this years competition and this has to be celebrated, off course.  On wednesday April the 17th at 21:00, they will play a match against FV United Enschede in the sportscentrum in Hal 2. Take all your friends with you to watch the match and cheer Zaal 1, while enjoying a beer! After the match, we will celebrate the championship of Zaal 1 with some drinking games in the canteen!


Drienerlo darts day 23th of March!

Put it in your calendar: The next Drienerlo Day will be on the 23rd of March! This time it is organised by our first and second team. We will cheer on all the teams playing that day while enjoying free hot dogs! After that we will go to Euros to eat some pizza and have a darts championship! Be there, you don't want to miss this!

Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: tekst


DD-Cup party!

Coming sunday the 17th of march, the DD-Cup (Drienerlo Ladies Cup) will take place once more! To kick-off this tournament, we will be having a Party this Saturday at cafe the pimpelaar starting from 21:30. We hope everyone will be there to make it an amazing start of this tournament! 

Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: tekst

Pimpelaar location!


Great win of first futsal team!

On Monday, September 24th our first futsal team played against Turkuaz in Doetinchem. Turkuaz had won their first two matches, whereas Drienerlo had 3 points out of 2 matches. After 50 minutes of football, the result was a 4-5 win! Drienerlo is now on the third position in the league! Going for promotion or is that too early??