DD-Cup party!

Coming sunday the 17th of march, the DD-Cup (Drienerlo Ladies Cup) will take place once more! To kick-off this tournament, we will be having a Party this Saturday at cafe the pimpelaar starting from 21:30. We hope everyone will be there to make it an amazing start of this tournament!

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Pimpelaar location!

We hope that everyone enjoyed the Drienerlo Drink! Luckily you won't have to wait long for another Drienerlo Drink, because the DD-Cup Party will be next week Saturday. We hope that everyone will be there to make it an amazing start of this tournament! The party will start at 21:30 at the Pimpelaar.

Pimpelaar location!

2019-03-10 21:04:34
2019-03-13 15:32:12
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