Knudde #4: How do I play football?

Hello Knudde, 


After the press conference of last Tuesday, our beloved Mark Rutte gave us the best news possible: we are allowed to play soccer again! For me, and I think also for my fellow members, it has been a while since I last touched a soccer ball. I think the last time was in October! My question is, how do we even play soccer and do you have some tips for us?



Yes, FI-NA-LLY our beloved Mark Rutte has brought some positive news! We are allowed to train again and even in larger groups than 2. After weeks of crying and longing to watch our pros, we can now get back to work again! Unfortunately without competition, but if you don’t honor the small, you don’t honor the big.

We have done nothing for months now and that is not nothing. Some of you have been busy with home sports, but many of you have not. So I understand the burning question and the panic, But rest assured, playing soccer is just like riding a bike! You don’t easily forget this. Before you first training, get off your lazy ass and grab a ball. That way you can already practice a bit with the ball feeling and nobody will notice that you have not done anything at all

2021-03-10 19:49:56
2021-03-10 19:51:47