Knudde #3: When's the next Drienerlo vlog published?

Dear Knudde, 

As a topfan of Drienerlo, I follow the club closely. You could say that I have a heart for the club. This passion started to grow when I saw the first video of ‘Wat weet jij?’ on the Drienerlo Youtube channel on the 10th of December 2017. After watching this video I become curious about the club. So I joined the club and I prefer to dream about the club every night. Only the number of episodes of ‘Wat weet jij?’ is still 1!! My question to you Knudde is, when will the rest of the episodes come online?! Will there be any episodes or other videos coming soon? I hope that more people get to know about Drienerlo and also get a passion for this club. Just like how it started with me. 


Love, fanboy123


Dear fanboy123,

How good to hear that the first episode of ‘Wat weet jij?’ was so well received by you. I understand you couldn’t wait for the next episode and I'm a bit sorry that they haven’t been published yet. Unfortunately, behind the scenes have played annoying situations at the time. For example, the camera broke down, the recorded videos were lost and so on… Because of all these setbacks it was difficult for the theam to find motivation to make new episodes. A shame if you ask me!

That’s why I, Knudde, tried very hard to set up a fantastic new team for the editors and I succeeded! So luckily I can give you good news and soon there will be a brand new episode of ‘Wat weet jij?’. The team is busy with editing, so it won’t take a long time. Unfortunately I also have to disappoint you, because of Corona there will only be 1 episode online in the near future. As soon as it is possible to film again, the team will  pick up the thread and more videos will be released.

Hopefully I have made you a bit cheerful with this message and even more people will have such passion with the club as you already have!


Lots of Love Knudde




2020-05-30 18:01:14
2020-05-30 18:01:14