The New Board!

from the left to the right: Jeroen van den Heuvel (commissioner of internal affairs), Dion Siekmans (treasurer), Sharon Strik (chairman), Noor Felix (secretary), Lisan Graumans (vice-chairman/ match seretary)

Yesterday it was finally there: The General Assembley. After some minor issues we had to postpone the GA, but after all this the 74th board could be discharged, and the 75th board could be charged. After all the hours of talking and endless discussions we celebrated this occassion in the heart of Enschede: 't Gat. Over there we could party with loats of beer, good music and of course the fun people of v.v. Drienerlo. The next day the board members had a nice hangover, the new chairman is also beginning to get sick. She is still coughing her lungs out. 

It was a fine evening and we as a new board can't wait to start our year!

2019-10-24 14:30:43
2019-11-27 14:57:26